Kähler-like scalar curvature on homogeneous spaces

Início: 14/04/2023 17:00

Término: 14/04/2023 18:00

Palestrante: Lino Grama (Unicamp)

E-mail do Palestrante: lgrama@unicamp.br

Resumo: In this talk, we will discuss the curvature properties of invariant almost Hermitian geometry on generalized flag manifolds. Specifically, we will focus on the "Kähler-like scalar curvature metric" - that is, almost Hermitian structures $(g,J)$ satisfying $s=2s_C$, where $s$ is the Riemannian scalar curvature and $s_C$ is the Chern scalar curvature. We will provide a classification of such metrics on generalized flag manifolds whose isotropy representation decomposes into two or three irreducible components. This is a joint work with A. Oliveira.
