Início: 13/09/2024 17:00
Término: 13/09/2024 18:00
Palestrante: Andrey Soldatenkov (UFF)
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Resumo: The notion of a Lagrangian fibration is central for the classical symplectic geometry and mathematical physics. Holomorphic Lagrangian fibrations also naturally appear In the context of complex geometry: the most well known examples are the Hitchin systems and the Mukai systems. In this talk we will focus on the case when the total space of the fibration is a compact hyperkähler manifold X. We will construct a special family of deformations of the complex structure on X parametrized by the affine line and preserving the Lagrangian fibration. I will explain why the deformed complex structures admit Kähler metrics and if time permits talk about some applications of this fact. The talk will be based on a joint work with Misha Verbitsky.